Meet Tandy Grandstaff
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I am a daughter of a pastor and a singer, and I grew up in a small town in the southwest corner of Minnesota. As soon as I could talk I was taught to sing and spent a majority of my childhood traveling with my family performing. My love for photography started as soon as I knew how to develop disposable cameras. I couldn’t wait to get back the film and see my creations.

In 1996 I attended college at Liberty University in Lynchburg, VA where I graduated with a Bachelor of Music degree and a psychology minor. While there, I started working in a middle school youth group and met my future husband. We were married in October of 2000 and moved to GA to be the youth pastors there. With the birth of my two oldest children, I began to feel that hunger to pursue photography for the sake of capturing those moments that are fleeting. I cried when my mom and husband handed me my first digital DSLR camera for Christmas and that is where my current journey with photography began.

In 2009 my family moved to Orlando, FL where we started Genesis Church. Photography looked a little different but still remained a passion especially when our youngest arrived.

Photography for me is about capturing all the details and stages of life. Every season changes and the chubby little fingers grow, the gap-toothed smiles fill, the little moments fade, and I never wanted to forget what was. I am honored that I get to provide the same service for my clients. Capturing life’s sweetest moments and freezing time if only in a photo.